Fabric Cutting | Methods of Fabric Cutting

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A garment will be ready to wear after combine by sewing of many parts of fabric from cutting fabric. Fabric cutting is vital issue in garments industry. Fabric cutting is important part of garments manufacturing process. Perfect fabric cutting reduce the wastage of fabric and make the business profitable. Today’s business market good quality product is the main fact. 

Requirements of fabric cutting:

  1. Precession of cut
  2. Clean of edge
  3. Consistent cutting
  4. Support of the lay
  5. Infused edge

Methods of fabric cutting:

There are few to cut the fabric. the methods are chose by the operator by here own preferences. The methods are fabric cutting are given blew

Manual Method:
  1. Hand operated scissors
  2. Band knife
  3. Round knife
  4. Straight knife
  5. Drill
  6. Notcher
  7. Die Cutting
Computerized Method:
  1. Knife cutting
  2. Plasma torch cutting
  3. Laser beam cutting
  4. Cutting by water jet

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