Fabric Convert Pcs to Kg & Vice Versa (Knit Item)

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In readymade garments industry (Knit Industry) fabric is an important raw material. Every order from buyer given by some amount of pcs like 1000pcs, 10000pcs or something more. But fabric is calculated by kg. Now question is how we will convert the required fabric by kg where order is given in pcs? in case of knit fabric.

Formula:  (Total Quantity of garments ÷ 12) x Fabric Consumption of that order.

Now, what is consumption?
Fabric consumption is a vital matter in garments sector. Accurate fabric consumption helps to reduce fabric shortage problem at the end of the order. Here, some factors which can responsible for the fabric shortage problem. Fabric consumption calculation is the most important matters in apparel export business. if the calculated result is wrong, then there are too much possibility of fabric shortage or fabric wastage during apparel production which will directly influenced on profit percentage of that order. So, to get accurate fabric consumption result, it should be calculated by using proper method and actual formula. 

Math: 01- Suppose Buyer: H&M Place an Order which no is 137483-6525, Style: Leggings. It’s fabric consumption is 2.70 and order quantity is 10000pcs. Now, how you will calculate the required fabric from the order quantity?
According to formula,  Total Quantity of garments = 10000pcs
  Fabric consumption: 2.70

Now, Required fabric : ( 10000 ÷ 12) x 2.70 = 2250kg

Md. Asiful Islam Khan
BSc in Textile Engineering
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) 

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