Garments Washing | Different Types of Garments Washing Techniques

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What is Garments Washing?

Normally garments washing means cleaning of dirty garments with soap or detergent. But it is not industrial garments wash. Industrial garments washing is a technology which is used to modify the outlook, appearance, comfortibility and design of ready-made garments made from solid color dyed or pigment fabric is called garments washing. In our country garments washing technology started from 1998 and popularity of garments washing is increasing day by day.

In this article we will discuss about washing techniques used in washing industry.
Garment Washing Techniques
  1. Dry Process 
  2. Special Dry Process
  3. Wet Proces
Dry Process includes below techniques:
  • Grinding
  • Whiskers
  • Sand Blasting
  • Heavy Destroy
  • Crinkle
  • Chemical Blasting
Special Dry Process includes below techniques:
  • P P Spray
  • P P Sponging
  • Tagging (Broken & Tagging)

Wet Process includes below techniques:

  • Normal wash
  • Stone wash
  • Caustic Soda wash
  • Bleach wash
  • Super white wash.
  • Acid wash
  • Enzyme with bleach
  • Enzyme, Stone & Bleach wash ( 3 Types of wash techniques are used here)
  • Enzyme Silicon Wash
  • Tie Wash
  • Pigment wash

Now-a-days, some new concept of Garments washing tecniques are also found.  

  • Foam or artificial stone wash
  • Ozone fading
  • Laser Techniques etc

Writing By:
Md. Asiful Islam Khan
Textile Engineer, BUBT

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