Definition Of Merchandiser | Merchandising | Function Of The Merchandiser | Qualities of A Merchandiser

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The main role of a garments merchandiser is to collect garments export order, produce the garments, export the garments and earn profit, to perform those functions successfully needs lot of knowledge, experience & tremendous effort for a merchandiser. The term merchandising is defined as follows:

"The term merchandising related with trade. Trade means buying & selling. The person who is involved with trade, he/she is a merchandiser. And the activities of a merchandiser is known as a merchandising"

Function of  Merchandiser>>

Activities of Junior Merchandiser (In a factory)
  • Main task is ”production monitoring”
  • Collect “inventory report” from store
  • Swatch making & getting approval from buyer
  • Arrange pre production meeting in order to prepare a schedule for smooth production
  • Place order to different production unit
  • Collect ”Daily Production Report &Daily Quality Report”
  • If any shortage in store, arrange locally.
  • Arrange final inspection
  • Arrange final inspection
Responsibilities of Senior Merchandiser
  • Sample development
  • Price negotiation
  • Order confirmation
  • L/C opening
  • Opening summery
  • Sourcing
  • Material collection
  • Production planning
  • Production monitoring
  • Quality assurance
  • Arrange final inspection
  • Arrange shipment
Qualities of a Merchandiser
  • Language skill
  • Computer skill
  • Marketing skill
  • Right consumption knowledge of various goods
  • Costing knowledge of raw materials
  • Order getting ability (That is if the merchandiser is known by actual rate of raw materials, so that he can negotiate perfectly with buyer. In this way, the possibility of getting order is hundred percent.)
  • Sincere & responsible
  • Hard worker

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